Two fingers of pride (1955)...
"In 1955 Steve landed the male lead in a new off-Broadway production, TWO FINGERS OF PRIDE, which co-starred Sam Jaffe, but it soon closed and with nothing else happening, Steve decided to return to class. Because he was now a "working actor", meaning he had actually earned money for his work, he was eligible to try out for the mecca of training schools, Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio, where the acceptance rate was about one out of two hundred...For his audition, Steve put together a monologue from Clifford Odet's GOLDEN BOY..." {Steve McQueen, Marc Eliot page 29}
The Ogunquit Playhouse, begun in 1933, attracted performers such as Maude Adams, Ethel Barrymore and Laurette Taylor in the early years and more recently Sally Struthers, Lucie Arnaz and Lorenzo Lamas...

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